
One of my most favorite blog reads ever....

Posted on: Saturday, April 10, 2010

That's not a mini pony. It's a dog....Have you read the Sweet Junpier blog? IT IS AMAZING. It is mainly written by a stay at home Dad and it's about his family's adventures living in Detroit (which is having hard times to say the least). But they do seem to make the best of it. He takes amazing photographs (this is one of them to the left), totally is an very entertaining writer, and I have to say he is just an amazing Dad period. His kids are also adorable!! I mean come on, who makes a dog cart for their kids after reading lots of Jack London??? It makes me think back to when I was 8 or 9 or so (maybe embarassingly older even), I'd harness my two little black labs Chessie and Buster to my skateboard, sit down, and go flying down the huge hill that we lived on, over and over again. I hope he doesn't mind if I borrow the dog cart idea for a kids photo shoot. Seriously good stuff. Go here for the full story...
Sweet-Juniper blog


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