
Propmaster prop faster.....

Posted on: Wednesday, October 31, 2007

I found this article on NYC prop stylist Judy Singer that really sums up the total experience of being a prop stylist and discusses what it takes to keep a business thriving. Here's a little sample from the article:

.......Singer is unfazed by idiosyncratic clients. "It's simple," she says. "When they throw tantrums, I just smile and nod and smile and nod. And then I go out and find the most beautiful and appropriate objects I can find, cross my fingers and pray that everyone will calm down and realize that the show must go on and that these props I've brought provide the perfect setting for the product being sold. On a good day it works."
If your curious about being a prop stylist, this is the article for you... this site also gives dayrates, resources, and advice from an experienced individuals.

go here to view the whole article:


Bessie said...

You write very well.

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